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Monday, January 9, 2012

Online Learning Communities

Online learning communities have a significant impact on student learning by developing the students’ sense of being part of a larger group, collaborating together to construct knowledge and providing a shared learning experience (Laureate, 2011). Students working together will challenge each other to achieve, their shared knowledge and experience will deepen the level of understanding and provide examples of life experiences that will anchor the knowledge through application in the working world.

When a learning community has been established, the structure of the course becomes less apparent and the student move into a role more equal to the instructors, helping facilitate the instruction and construction of knowledge. Students usually feel a greater sense of satisfaction with an active role in the process and find greater opportunities for achieving their learning goals.

Essential Elements

There are several elements of community building. The instructor will take on the role of facilitator with the responsibility to create a “high degree of interactivity and participation” (Conrad & Donaldson, 2011). During the first phase of the course the instructor should greet the students through a friendly welcome message and a request for students to take the time to introduce themselves to the class by sharing a little of their background and experience, perhaps even including a picture. This activity allows the students to participate in an initial interaction that is informal and friendly, thus beginning the development of the sense of community. The instructor may also design an optional icebreaker to allow students another optional means of sharing more information (Conrad & Donaldson, 2011). These activities not only help create a learner-to-learner relationship but can also provide the instructor with valuable information on the preparedness of the learners who will be participating in the course. The instructor should reach out to
any who express that this is their first online experience. There may be some students that express concern about the use of technology and the instructor can assist by referring them to resources to support their effort. Providing a friendly personal response to the student introductions will help bond the student to the group and promote student success

Sustaining the Sense of Community

Choosing appropriate interactive activities will help sustain the community of learners. Using a blogs or discussion groups allows students to communicate their ideas and build on each other’s understanding of the content (Conrad & Donaldson, 2011). Having a Question and Answer or area of the LMS reserved for students to post informal comments and questions will also help provide an ongoing connection among the course participants.

Having a well developed sense of community and an ongoing connection to those sharing the learning experience will assist the instructor in providing an engaging and effective course. As students become more engaged in the course they will guide each other and promote success among all students.


Conrad, R., & Donaldson, J. A. (2011). Engaging the online learner: Activities and resources for creative instruction (Updated ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Palloff, R., & Pratt, K. (Narrator). (2011).

Online learning communities [Online video]. Baltimore: Laureate Education.

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