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Sunday, January 22, 2012


Launching an Online

       Learning Experience



Technology Tools                  

Technology tools  provide an instructor with a variety of methods for interacting with the  learners, creating more effective activities, and expanding the opportunities for  learners to construct new knowledge (Diaz, 2010). It is important that an  instructor learn the basic tools needed to implement the course, such as the basic  functions of the course management system (CMS), email, how to upload and download documents, and how to manage the grade book. In addition, instructors  should be able to set up discussion forums, and understand the process of  establishing teams or groups of learners who will collaborate and contribute to  each others’ learning (Conrad & Donaldson, 2011). The strategic use of  technology tools will provide learners with an improved access to knowledge,  provide and engaging and effective learning experiences, and as a result,  maximize learner retention and course completion (Diaz, 2010).

Defining and Communicating Expectations

Clearly defining expectations during  the course will provide benefits to both the learners and the instructor. By  providing a complete syllabus at the beginning of the course, the learner will  be able to anticipate and plan for the work load, and feel confident that they  can blend the demands of the course with those of their life outside of school.  Providing information on Netiquette, the appropriate use of email and  communication styles within chat rooms and discussion boards, will set the  standards for the professional and respectful exchanges of ideas. When students  are comfortable that they know the format for a response, and that the  expectation of respectful remarks is clear, the learners will be more  comfortable expressing their opinions and thoughts. Knowledge is constructed in  safe and cooperative learning environments.

The instructor will benefit by making  clear the expectations that questions are to be posted in the public forum so  that the community of learners or the instructor may respond. Students can  offer each other support, further developing the sense of community (Conrad,  2010). The instructor and student will both benefit from an understanding of  the expected response time on emails and graded assignments. Both the  instructor and the learners will benefit from providing support contact  information during the initial course contact and in the course syllabus.  Students will want to feel the security of knowing ahead of time, that if they  have a problem with an aspect of the course, they know who to go to and how to  contact the support (Conrad, 2011). Providing this information in the  introduction of the course will lessen the time the instructor is using to  respond to learner issues (Diaz, 2010).

Other considerations               

Online  instructors will facilitate the construction of new learner knowledge through  the activities and interactions in the course. The instructor will also want to  keep notes on the progress of the course and any specific areas that either do  not flow within the time allotted or require an excess of instructor  intervention and time to be successful. Proper notes and documentation regarding  the delivery will assist the instructor and course designers in making modification  to maximize the efficiency and outcomes of the course. It will typically take  three cycle of delivering the course to identify areas for improvement and  fully develop the course (Conrad, 2011).


  Conrad, R., & Donaldson, J. A. (2011). Engaging  the online learner: Activities and resources for creative instruction (Updated  ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  Diaz, V.  (2010). Web 2.0 and emerging technologies in online learning. New Directions  For Community Colleges, (150), 57-66. doi:10.1002/cc.405

1 comment:

  1. I like your post! I agree that instructors can benefit from making a clear expectation to the community of learners. The students are able to understand the course content and what the instructor is expected in course assignments. As a student I feel comfortable know what is expected from me in a course. There will always be, “family and life emergencies” (Boettcher & Conrad, 2010). We have outside responsibilities like family, friends, and work profession.


    Boettcher, J. V., & Conrad, R. (2010). The online teaching survival guide: Simple and practical pedagogical tips. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
