My Blog List

Discussion Rubric

Assessment of work submitted

4 Pts

3 Pts

2 Pt
Needs Development

Analysis and Initial Response
The initial response demonstrates an understanding of the content; utilizes and cites resources; and provides a clear, strong statement of the author's position on the topic.
The initial response provides a clear statement of the author's position on the topic; minimal reference to resources; incomplete coverage of topic.
The initial response is made summarizing the topic, but does not utilize resources; does not make the author's position clear.
Initial response fails to address the content and topics discussed; author’s position unclear.
Response as contribution to Others
Responds with supportive statement and inquiry to develop the discussion and encourage further response.
Responds appropriately to other postings without inquiry or prompt to promote further discussion
Brief response to other’s postings fails to develop topic or initiate further discussion
No response to others or simple response closes discussion.
Timeliness and mechanics
Initial posting is early or within guidelines and is written clearly and cited properly
Initial posting is made within the guidelines and is written clearly, few or no citation errors
Initial posting is late; written clearly, well developed with proper citations
Initial posting is late; minimal topic development, citation errors.
Additional resources are located and cited to further develop the topic
Course resource is utilized to support writing
Minimal reference to resources
No citations or reference to resources to support writing
Score Total   ______________________

Total score  ÷ 4 ______________

4.0 A     3.75 A-

3.5 B+   3.0   B    2.75 B-

2.5 C+   2.0   C    1.75 C-

1.5 D     <1 =F